Functions of Draw Knife: This wood carving tool simplifies the process of drawing and shaping wood by removing shavings or larger chunks of excessive wood.
Razor Sharp Wood Splitter: The roughing knife blade is made of high-carbon steel, hardened to proper firmness, and sharpened and polished for immediate use.
Cutting Edge Draw Knife: Extremely sharp, suitable for cutting softwood and hardwood, and durable enough for both.
Excellence in Woodworking Adze with Curved Blade: The adze features a distinct curved blade design, making it the ultimate tool for intricate carving, be it bowls, spoons, or ladles, providing exceptional control and precision.
Superior Durability Forged Adze Head: Crafted from robust 1066 high-carbon steel, this woodworking adze maintains sharpness even through extended use for effortless carving strokes.